
In this era of complex and ever-changing economic conditions, "difficulty in making money" seems to have become a common feeling for many people. But is it really becoming harder to make money? Or have we fallen into certain mindset traps? Today, let's explore how to break through these misconceptions and find our own wealth code.

In this era of complex and ever-changing economic conditions, "difficulty in making money" seems to have become a common feeling for many people. But is it really becoming harder to make money? Or have we fallen into certain mindset traps? Today, let's explore how to break through these misconceptions and find our own wealth code.

Misconception 1: Only Those with High Education and High Positions Can Make Big Money

Many people believe that only those with degrees from prestigious schools and high-ranking positions can earn big money. Is this really the case?

Look at the successful people around you, and you'll find that education and position are not the only factors determining income. The key lies in whether you can create value for others. For example, a skilled carpenter may earn more than an ordinary white-collar worker. A small vendor with good marketing skills may have an income that surpasses some middle managers.

Breakthrough methods:

  1. Focus on skill improvement: No matter what job you're currently doing, strive to enhance your professional skills. Become an expert in your industry, and your value will naturally shine through.

  2. Learn to market yourself: Treat yourself as a brand. Make good use of social media to showcase your professional abilities and expand your influence.

  3. Identify market demands: Always pay attention to market trends and see which areas have huge demand but insufficient supply. These are often the easiest areas to break through.

Success story: Chef Li, an ordinary cook, through continuous culinary research and development of new dishes, eventually became an internet celebrity chef with an annual income exceeding one million yuan. His success proves that as long as you're excellent enough, you can make big money even in traditional industries.

Misconception 2: Only 9-to-5 Jobs are "Real" Jobs

In many people's minds, only sitting in an office from 9 to 5 counts as a "real job". But in this internet age, the forms of work have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Breakthrough methods:

  1. Embrace emerging professions: Live streaming, short video creation, self-media operation, etc., these emerging professions are changing the way people work. Why not give it a try? You might find a new direction for development.

  2. Develop a side hustle: While doing your main job well, use your spare time to develop a side business. This not only increases income but also broadens horizons and enhances risk resistance.

  3. Remote work: With technological advancements, more and more work can be done remotely. This provides us with more choices.

Success story: Xiao Zhang, an ordinary company employee, learned video editing in his weekend time and started taking on some outsourcing projects. Gradually, his side income surpassed his main job. Eventually, he quit his 9-to-5 job and became a freelancer, not only doubling his income but also gaining more freedom.

Misconception 3: Making Money Means Living Frugally and Tightening Your Belt

Many people think that to make money, you must live frugally and save every penny. But in fact, excessive saving may limit our development space.

Breakthrough methods:

  1. Invest in yourself reasonably: Spending money to improve your skills and knowledge is the most valuable investment. For example, attend some training courses or obtain professional certifications.

  2. Learn financial management knowledge: Rather than letting your money depreciate in the bank, learn some basic financial knowledge to make your money work for you.

  3. Focus on work efficiency: Improve work efficiency, and use the time saved to learn new skills or develop side businesses.

Success story: Xiao Li, an ordinary office worker, didn't deliberately live frugally but used part of his income to learn investment knowledge. After several years of accumulation, he can now obtain considerable returns through stock investment, achieving financial freedom.

In addition to the above three misconceptions, another common misconception is that making money must require a large amount of startup capital. In fact, in this internet age, many ways of making money don't require much startup capital.

For example, you can try the following methods:

  1. Knowledge payment: If you have unique insights or rich experience in a certain field, you can try to open online courses or write e-books. Apps like Luo Zhenyu's "Dedao" are typical examples of knowledge payment.

  2. Self-media creation: Writing public accounts, shooting short videos, making podcasts, these are all good monetization channels. For instance, Li Ziqi attracted a large number of fans by showcasing traditional Chinese culture through short videos, achieving considerable income.

  3. Online freelancing: If you have skills in design, programming, writing, etc., you can take on jobs on various freelance platforms to make money. Many people have achieved higher incomes through this method than full-time jobs.

  4. E-commerce entrepreneurship: Opening stores through platforms like Taobao, Pinduoduo, or doing cross-border e-commerce, these are all good choices for small business startups. Some people even earn millions annually by selling agricultural products.

Remember, the key to making money is not how much money you have, but how much value you can create for others. As long as you can find market demand and provide valuable products or services, making money is no longer a problem.

Finally, I want to say that making money is indeed not easy, but it's not out of reach either. The key is to change your mindset and break through the constraints of fixed ideas. Don't be misled by the notion that "making money is difficult", but actively seek opportunities and dare to try new things.

Believe that as long as you keep learning, continuously improve yourself, and maintain an open and innovative mindset, you will eventually find your own way to make money. Let's work hard together and create our own wealth legend in this era full of opportunities and challenges!